This feature aims to enhance email customization by allowing users to map specific fields into their email template bodies.
Users will have the flexibility to insert dynamic placeholders (fields) in their email templates.
Additionally, HTML formatting will be supported within the email template body.
Syntax for mapping field using the {TableName.FieldName] where the first character of the table and field name needs to be Uppercase
Here er some Examples:
- For information taken from the Header of the document the syntax will be like this
{Document.<field Name>} If you want to print value from header
- For Information taken from line of the document the syntax will be like this
- {Line.<field Name>} If you want to print value from line
- {Line.<field Name>} If you want to print value from line
- If one need to insert some data for every line the syntax will be like this
- [Line:<some Field>]
- Example
[Line: {Line.No.} {Line.Description} Quantity : {Line.Quantity}]
- Would show all sales lines like from the document
Item 1000 City Bike Quantity : 20
Item 1001 City Colibri Bike Quantity : 4
Item 2000 Bike computer, Bion CY-309W Quantity : 17
Item 2010 Bike helmet, TEC Vectis Quantity : 12
- Example
- [Line:<some Field>]
- //so [ ] are used only for repeating lines, { } only for printing single values
- Also Supported to print from Company information/Customer/Vendor syntax will be
- {Company.<field name>} to insert data from company information
- {Customer.<field name>} to insert data from customer, which is taken from Sell-to Customer No.
- {Vendor.<field name>} to print data from Vendor, which is taken from buy-to Vendor No.
- Customize the Signature with following syntax
- {SignatureName}
- {SignatureTitle}
- {SignatureEmail}
- {SignaturePhone}
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