Create Azure Subscription
Prior to create a blob storage you must have an active Azure plan to holde the subscription.
Create Storage Account
Go to your ”Microsoft Azure Management Portal”
Select Azure Service ”Storage Accounts”
Create a new Storage account by clicking ”Create”
When creating a storage account for Global Master Data Sync do only change values in ”Basics”(1) and finalize creation in Review (2)
Project Details:
In subscription select the Azure plan created for you/your company (often named: Azure Subscription 1)
In Resource Group create a new group or select an exiting. (Typically you create a group describing purpose of the account).
Instance Details: Name the ”Storage account name” (to be used for configurastion of the GMDS app).
In Region select the region used for the Busincess central service.
Performance should be ”Standard” and ”Redundancy” should be Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
When fields in ”Basics” are done you may create storage account in column ”Review”
Scroll down and click ”Create”
When selecting create message ”Running final validation” is shown. In a few seconds your storage account is created.
Create a Container
From your storage account select ”Container” and click ”+ Container”
Name your container and click ”Create”. The name is used for your GMDS configuration.
- Multiple containers are supported for having a unique container per company (in Business Central)
Create SAS Token
To create a SAS token for your Storage account go to ”Shared Access Signature”
Next step is to add data to ensure you have the following in place:
- Select Blob under ”Allowed Services”
- Add all ”Allowed ressource types”
- Set end data i far future (e.g. year 2099)
Then click ”Generate SAS and connection string” and copy the valie from SAS Token. This value is to be used when configurering GMDS in Business Central.
Insert values in ”Partner card” in Business Central
By now you should have the 3 values needes to configure the partner card in Business Central:
•Account Name
•SAS Token
The 3 values should be inserted as shown below:
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