Azure Active Directory Authentication
Set up is divided into three parts:
Here are the steps:
App Registration
Active Directory Authentication
Go to and login 1. |
2. Open App registration from the overview and use New Registration action |
3. Push New Registration |
4. 5. 6. |
(Note this will be masked once you browse away from the certification and secrets) |
8. |
9. 10.
11. |
12. Select API.ReadWrite.All and Automation.ReadWrite.All and use Add permissions action
13. |
14. This is going to be used on the IC partner card setup in Business Central.
Business Central Intercompany Partner Setup
Now it is time to switch to business central intercompany card and setup the connection
Azure Active Directory Application Card
Last step is set up Azure Active Directory Application Card. It's used to define what permission should be granted by Registration App to the Abakion Intercompany app.
1. |
2. 3. Paste Client Id from Azure Active Directory in the Client Id field (same id used in the Web service setup) 4. |
5. Then use Grant Consent action and login to your Microsoft account |
As the result following message should appear. |
7. Verify your setup from the Intercompany partner card to check that Oauth2 is configured correctly
For more details refer to Microsoft Documentation:
Register Azure application
S2S Authentication
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